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8 Telltale Signs of ADHD

8 Telltale Signs of ADHD

ADHD, or attention-deficient/hyperactivity disorder, is a problem most people think of as occurring in childhood. And, if you’re diagnosed as a child, there is some chance your symptoms will get better as you get older. But that’s not true for everyone. 

You may continue to have symptoms into adulthood, and those symptoms may well interfere with your performance at work or your personal relationships. 

It’s also entirely possible for you to have ADHD and not be diagnosed as a child. If you’re diagnosed as an adult with ADHD, you may feel both relieved and confused about your treatment options. At Houston Family MD, board-certified physician Ranjit Grewal, MD, and his team may be able to help answer some of your questions and describe the benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for treating ADHD. 

There are two broad categories of symptoms in people with ADHD, inattention, and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Adults who have at least five symptoms in either category for six months or longer should seek an evaluation. Here are eight common signs of ADHD. 

1. Failing to pay close attention to details

If you miss details that lead to mistakes, it could be a sign of ADHD. You may entirely miss the details, or you may find that you have difficulty staying on task. 

2. You have issues with listening or following instructions 

Have you been accused of not paying attention to someone when they were talking? Maybe you struggle to make eye contact or to look at the person speaking directly. And, maybe you are listening, but people don’t think you are? 

Or, maybe you struggle to follow instructions because you get sidetracked or lose focus on the task at hand. People with ADHD may struggle to complete tasks, both at home or at work, or in other situations. 

3. You lose things frequently 

How often do you misplace the items you need to complete tasks? For example, do you lose your checkbook, your keys, your wallet, glasses, phone, or other items you need often to get through your day? If you frequently misplace the things you need, it could be a symptom of ADHD. 

4. Setting priorities is difficult

Do you struggle to organize tasks and activities? For example, when you’re faced with a big project, do you have difficulty in deciding what you should do first or what the order of tasks should be? You may even find yourself entirely avoiding activities that require multiple steps. 

5. Are you a fidgeter? 

In childhood, one of the hallmark symptoms of ADHD is hyperactivity. Most adults have tamed the desire to run around the room but may still find themselves clicking a pen, tapping their fingers on the desk, squirming, or tapping their feet nonstop. 

You may even find yourself unable to remain seated through a presentation or an entire movie, or a long meeting. Even if you contain the urge to get up, you may feel an overwhelming sense of restlessness in such situations. 

6. You talk a lot

Do you feel like you talk excessively? That could be a symptom of ADHD. If you find yourself answering questions before the speaker has finished asking them, or if you have the habit of interrupting, you may be experiencing symptoms of ADHD. 

7. Waiting is very difficult

Whether you’re waiting your turn in a game or other activity, or you’re waiting on an appointment, you may find it extremely difficult if you have ADHD. 

8. You’ve had symptoms for a long time 

If you’ve had these kinds of symptoms for a long time, they occur in more than one setting — such as at work and at home, or with friends or coworkers — and the symptoms make your life harder, you should seek an evaluation. 

ADHD in adulthood can be difficult to diagnose, particularly if there are other disorders present, such as a mood disorder or anxiety disorder, but there are effective treatments available. 

If you don’t want to take medications, or if you’ve tried medications and found they don’t work well for you, Dr. Grewal and the team at Houston Family MD are here for you. Schedule an appointment online or over the phone for more information.

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