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How Immunotherapy Offers Long-Term Allergy Relief

How Immunotherapy Offers Long-Term Allergy Relief

Allergies affect millions of people and can make you feel miserable. Symptoms like itchy eyes, stuffy nose, rashes, and constant sneezing can interfere with your daily life and make it difficult just to get through the day. 

If you have allergies, your immune system overreacts to triggers that are normally harmless. This response produces chemicals like histamines and antibodies to attack what the immune system mistakes for foreign invaders. 

Board-certified family physician Ranjit S. Grewal is well aware of the life-altering benefits of immunotherapy for many of our patients and offers this option to help them achieve long-term relief from allergy symptoms. If allergies are affecting your quality of life, consider immunotherapy. Below, we provide some important information to help you make your decision.

How does immunotherapy provide lasting relief?

Immunotherapy addresses the root cause of your allergies: your immune system. It works by slowly changing the way your immune system responds to substances you’re allergic to. Allergy shots gradually desensitize your immune system against substances it mistakes for toxins. 

Over time, immunotherapy can reduce your symptoms so you respond more like someone without allergies might to everyday things in the environment like pollen, dander, and dust mites. Without allergies, you may, for instance, produce a healthy sneeze to clear your nasal passages of excess dust or develop a red bump with some minor swelling and pain after a bee sting. If you have allergies, however, pollen floating in the air at the peak of the summer can cause constant misery. 

Who is a good candidate for immunotherapy?

To determine if you’re a good candidate for immunotherapy, Dr. Grewal starts with a thorough evaluation, including a detailed review of your allergy symptoms, health status, and any previous treatment. Allergy testing is an important step in this process to accurately identify the substances that trigger your immune system.

After a thorough evaluation, your allergist may recommend immunotherapy if:

Immunotherapy is very effective for both children and adults. 

Types of immunotherapy

Only an experienced physician should provide immunotherapy. Dr. Grewal will work with you to get your allergies under control with allergy shots if deemed appropriate. 

Available types of immunotherapy include:

Conventional immunotherapy

For this type of immunotherapy, you receive weekly injections for roughly 12 months that are tapered to biweekly and then monthly.

Cluster desensitization

For a faster version of immunotherapy, you receive injections in 8 short appointments over 4-6 weeks, followed by biweekly and then monthly maintenance doses.

Expedited immunotherapy

For speedy allergy relief, this type of immunotherapy involves receiving 4-6 injections in one day, spaced an hour apart, and then weekly injections for about 20 weeks. After that, you can expect biweekly and then monthly maintenance injections.

Long-term relief from allergies

Immunotherapy can help give you your life back so that you can focus on the things you enjoy. For more information about immunotherapy and to get started, call our Cypress, Texas, office and speak to our knowledgeable staff to schedule a visit with Dr. Grewal or book your request online. Lasting allergy relief is within your grasp. 

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