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Let Us Help You Finally Attain and Maintain Your Ideal Weight

Every year, about half of all adults in the United States make attempts at losing weight, with health and appearance serving as the primary motivators. 

Despite the desire to lose weight and improve health, nearly 70% of adults still struggle with a weight that places them at risk of developing a chronic disease. 

Though you may blame your lack of willpower for your inability to lose the weight and keep it off, weight loss is more complex than you might think.

Here at Houston Family MD in Cypress, Texas, our board-certified family physician Dr. Ranjit Grewal specializes in obesity. We offer a medical weight-loss program that can help you finally attain and maintain your ideal weight. 

The complexity of weight loss

Though eating less and moving more are the key components of any weight-loss plan, there’s more to losing weight than diet and exercise. 

Many factors influence your weight and your ability to reach your ideal body weight and stay there. Some factors are in your control, while others are not. Additionally, many of the factors that influence your weight require lifestyle changes that take time to incorporate. 

We understand that attaining and maintaining your ideal body weight is no easy feat. That’s why we offer a comprehensive medical weight-loss program to help you finally reach your weight goals and stay there. 

The power of professional support

Though often viewed as a cosmetic issue, obesity is a complex disease that increases your risk of developing health complications like diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea. Like any other disease, obesity requires medical intervention and support. 

When you come in to see us for a medical weight-loss consultation, we conduct an in-depth clinical evaluation to fully assess your health. 

This includes a review of your medical and family history, types of medications you take, and diagnostic testing to screen for underlying health issues that may be contributing to your weight struggles. 

We also spend time talking to you about your weight and the types of diets and programs you’ve tried in the past. We also ask about your usual diet, exercise habits, and daily stresses.

Based on the information gathered during your evaluation, we develop your personalized medical weight-loss program. 

This plan may include:

Losing weight takes time and commitment. We schedule regular follow-up appointments to track your health and weight. During these follow-up sessions, we help you incorporate lifestyle changes that lead to long-term weight-loss success.

Addressing your unique weight-loss struggles

When it comes to losing weight, you may face many obstacles along the way. These obstacles may be the reason you’ve struggled so hard to lose weight in the past. 

Whether it’s food cravings or slow weight loss, we understand the frustrations you’ve faced. Part of our program includes prescription weight-loss medications to help fight hunger and food cravings.

We also provide hormone treatments for those with low hormone levels. As you get older, production of estrogen and testosterone decreases, which leads to weight gain and muscle loss. This may be why you have a harder time losing weight now than you did when you were younger.

Don’t fall victim to the fad diet that makes big promises that fail to deliver. Let us help you finally attain and maintain your ideal weight with our medical weight-loss program. Call our office or book an appointment online today.

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