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Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Showing up at work feeling tired is more commonly American than drinking coffee. Almost 75% of workers in the United States say that they feel tired when reporting for work, while only 64% of the population have a daily cup of coffee. 

Not all of them have chronic fatigue syndrome, however. It might be occasional sleeplessness, fighting off a minor illness, or even just feelings of boredom about aspects of their jobs. Chronic fatigue is a problem of a different scope. Instead of occasional tiredness, fatigue may haunt you for weeks or months, affecting many aspects of your physical and mental well-being. 

Breaking the chronic fatigue cycle takes more than sleeping late on the weekend. Enlist the aid of the team of Ranjit S. Grewal, MD, and his family practice in Houston, Texas. Dr. Grewal can diagnose and treat the reasons behind your tiredness, restoring your ability to function effectively in everyday life. 

The fundamentals of chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t the result of a few nights of missed sleep. In fact, the reasons why it develops aren’t known. There is, however, a basic medical framework for those who develop the syndrome. 

People with chronic fatigue syndrome seem to be hypersensitive to normal amounts of activity and exercise when compared with those without the condition. Some research suggests that certain people develop the syndrome when exposed to certain triggers. These triggers can include:

It’s likely that the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome could be from a combination of these and other factors.

Signs and symptoms

Chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t just about tiredness. Other symptoms of the disorder include:

Other physical symptoms can include headaches, sore throats, digestive issues, or unexplained muscle and joint pain.

Risk factors for chronic fatigue syndrome include:

Chronic fatigue syndrome usually affects people in their 40s or 50s, with the vast majority of sufferers being women. 

Chronic fatigue syndrome treatments

With no known cause, it’s not surprising that chronic fatigue syndrome has no cure. Treating the symptoms, though, can greatly improve the quality of your life. 

Medications may help, particularly if your fatigue relates to conditions that respond to drug therapy. The pain of fibromyalgia can sometimes be managed with medication, as can depression, two conditions that are often connected to fatigue. Regulating blood pressure and heart rhythms with medication might help reduce fatigue in patients with orthostatic intolerance, feelings of faintness or nausea when sitting upright or standing. 

Since chronic fatigue syndrome is often a secondary disorder, there’s plenty to track down. Contact Ranjit S. Grewal, MD, when you need to enlist the services of a medical partner. You can book an appointment by phone or using the online link. Schedule your visit today. 

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